
的島嶼盡情感受大自然!伊豆群島之旅到到東京東京的島嶼盡情感受大自然!伊豆群島之旅islands of islands of Tokyo!Tokyo!Being a bustling metropolitan city is only one aspect of Tokyo. With powerfully impressive remains of the erup-tions of volcanos and onsen hot springs where you can come in contact with rough rock surfaces and seawater while immersing yourself, the Izu Islands filled with na-ture’s power and blessings also comprise another aspect of Tokyo. Here we feature three islands from the Izu Islands, where you can enjoy unique landscapes and experiences.Takeshiba Pier竹芝棧橋Chofu Airport調布機場Atami熱海ShikinejimaShikinejima式根島式根島ShipsAirlinesShimoda下田船飛機OshimaOshima大島大島HachijojimaHachijojima八丈島八丈島Haneda Airport羽田機場Pacific Ocean太平洋Mt. Mihara hiking三原山健行感受活火山的勁道,離都心不遠的大島大島Onsen experience with a great view of the green natural carpet along with Mt. Mihara欣賞三原山與滿滿綠意的溫泉體驗Tokai KisenShinshin KisenShuttle BoatANANew Central Airservice新中央航空Mt. Mihara, an active volcano at the center of the island, has an elevation of 758 meters. You can see molten rocks and marks of lava flows from past eruptions. Along with “Urasabaku,” the only desert in Japan with the land surface covered with volca-nic rocks, nature’s creations make you feel the power of nature.位於島嶼中央,海拔標高758公尺的活火山。保留了過去因火山噴發流出的岩漿與熔岩流的痕跡,與地表被火山岩覆蓋的日本唯一的沙漠「裏沙漠」,皆可感受到大自然的威力。At the Oshima Onsen Hotel located at the 7th station of Mt. Mihara, you can enjoy an open-air bath, from which you can get a great view of lush greenery of the island and of Mt. Mihara, as well as various kinds of sea-food. On the rooftop terrace, you can spend a special time by gazing at Mt. Mihara dur-ing daytime and the starry sky at night. The hotel also accepts drop-in guests for onsen.位於三原山7合目的大島溫泉飯店,可在露天浴場泡湯欣賞三原山和島嶼的蔥蘢綠意,並可大啖豐富的海產。在屋頂露臺,白天可遠眺三原山,夜晚則可仰望滿天星斗,度過一段特別的時光。亦可不住宿當天往返泡湯。Enjoy unspoiled nature on the Enjoy unspoiled nature on the Travel to the Izu IslandsTravel to the Izu Islands, located closest to TOKYO | IZU ISLANDSHachijojima Island 八丈島OshimaOshima central Tokyo, with power of an active volcanoLocated about 120 km south of central Tokyo, Oshima is the biggest among the Izu Islands. With good accessibility from the metropolitan area, it takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes by highspeed boat from Takeshiba Pier or about 30 minutes by air from Chofu Airport. Highlights of the island include the hiking course of Mt. Mihara, an active volcano, an open-air bath with a great view, and a swimming beach which is popular among divers. In addi-tion, the Oshima-zakura cherry, which is native to the island, will bloom in spring.東京可不是只有繁華的大都會而已。震撼力十足的火山噴發遺跡、一邊感受粗曠狂野的岩石表面與海水一邊泡湯的溫泉等,充滿各種大自然能量與恩惠的伊豆群島,展現出東京的另一種風貌。這次我們挑選出其中擁有獨特景觀與體驗的3座島嶼為大家做介紹。東海汽船神新汽船聯絡船伊豆群島中最大的島嶼,位於東京都心南方約120公里處。從竹芝棧橋搭乘高速船約1小時45分鐘可抵,從調布飛行場搭乘飛機約30分鐘,交通十分便利。此地有活火山——三原山的登山路線、欣賞絕佳景緻的露天浴場,以及深受潛水客歡迎的海水浴場等。此外,春季還有大島特有的「大島櫻」迎來花期喔!画像提供:大島観光協会20

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