Encounter sea turtles while diving Sea bathing, playing on the seashore, and diving海水浴/海濱戲水&潛水At “Hachijojima Freesia Festival,” which is scheduled to be held from March 23 to April 7, you can enjoy beautiful flowers of about 350,000 freesia plants.A fusion of onsen and ocean?溫泉與大海融為一體!? Trekking on Mt. Hachijo-Fuji八丈富士健行潛水&與海龜相遇The ocean around Hachijojima Island is known for the high possibility of encountering sea turtles. Swimming along with sea turtles and schools of fish in the beau-tiful blue sea will surely be one of the unforgettable mem-ories of your travels.八丈島有許多能遇見海龜的機會,並因此聞名。在優美湛藍海洋中和海龜與魚群並肩同游,想必會成為一段難忘的回憶!The island has some onsen spots that are filled with a mix-ture of fresh water and seawa-ter, appearing as if they have been blended with the ocean. Characterized by its unique ground form, which looks like it has been chopped by a nata Japanese axe, Jinata Onsen offers a place where you can enjoy being in a hot spring while appreciating the topographical beauty. There are other unique natural onsen, including Ashitsuki Onsen, from which you can enjoy a view of the ocean in a relaxing atmosphere, and Matsugashita Miyabiyu Onsen, which keeps the optimum tem-perature for people to take a bath at any time. These open-air onsen baths are free to everyone, allow people to wear a bathing suit, and are open for 24 hours. *As the temperature of the hot water in Jinata Onsen and Ashitsuki Onsen changes depending on the tidal flow, please be careful, espe-cially before getting in! Taking the “Ohachi-meguri” tour to go around the crater, you can have an overwhelming trekking experience to see a huge crater on top of the mountain. The panoramic view of the islands and ocean from the summit is just breathtaking.環繞火山口一圈的「鉢周遊」,可欣賞山頂的巨大火山口,體驗變化多端的健行。而從山頂望出的島嶼與海洋的大全景,是無庸置疑的絕美景緻。Please see here for more information!Oura Beach is famous as a place where you can see the romantic sunset as well as a place to enjoy sea bathing and playing on the shore. At Nakanoura Beach, you can see coral and fish close-up while diving.大浦海水浴場除了可體驗海水浴與海濱嬉戲之外,還是欣賞浪漫夕陽的名勝。中之浦海水浴場則可潛水,近距離欣賞珊瑚礁與魚群。att-japan.net/21島上有混入海水,彷彿與大海合而為一的溫泉。宛如以柴刀劈開的地形是「地鉈溫泉」的特徵,可在此一邊欣賞岩石粗曠的美感一邊入浴。此外,還有可悠閒看海的「足付溫泉」,隨時都可享受舒適溫度的「松下雅湯」等各具特色的天然溫泉,且皆為穿著泳裝即可24小時免費泡湯的露天浴場。※地鉈溫泉與足付溫泉的溫度會因漲退潮而異,入浴前請充分留意!Subtropical Hachijojima IslandHachijojima Island画像提供:(一社)八丈島観光協会한국어日本語简体中文網站有更多資訊喔!자세한 정보는 웹사이트로!with rich biodiversity親近生物多樣性,位於亞熱帶的八丈島八丈島Hachijojima Island is a subtropical island which can be reached in about 50 minutes by air from Haneda Airport. One of the most popular activities on this island is trekking on Mt. Hachijo-Fuji, the highest peak on the Izu Islands with an alti-tude of 854 meters above sea level. Due to the climate characteristics, the island is very rich in diversity of plants and animals.預計於3月23日起至4月7日間舉辦的「八丈島小蒼蘭祭」,可欣賞約35萬株小蒼蘭盛開競艷的美景。從羽田機場搭乘飛機50分鐘左右可抵達的亞熱帶島嶼。在伊豆群島中的最高峰,海拔標高854公尺的八丈富士健行尤其受歡迎。因氣候特色影響,動植物也有豐富的多樣性。画像提供:式根島観光協会式根島是一座周長約12公里的小島,從東京搭乘高速船約3小時可抵。擁有氣氛狂野的溫泉和優美的沙灘,島嶼雖小,卻可盡情享受大自然豐富的恩澤。繁體中文EnglishShikinejima IslandShikinejima Island with a blessing from nature called “ocean’s onsen”可享受大自然贈禮「海之溫泉」泡湯樂的式根島式根島Located about three hours by highspeed boat from Tokyo, Shikinejima Island is a small island with a circumference of about 12 km. With unique onsen with a wild atmosphere and beautiful beaches, this compact island offers you an opportunity to appreciate abundant gifts from nature.
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