I tsiruoTnoitamrofnMoney / 貨幣Telephone Service / 電話Free Wi-Fi Service / 免費Wi-Fi服務 Japanese coin & paper currency in circulationin town / on transportationat restaurants 〜に行きますか?〜枚ください〜まで何分かかりますか?わかりません病院に連れて行ってメニューを見せてくださいおすすめはありますか?お会計お願いしますKansai Area Pass is valid for unlimited travel using ordinary non-reserved seats of JR-WEST local and rapid trains in the defined “Free Area.” Prices for adults are 2,800 yen (1-day), 4,800 yen (2-days), 5,800 yen (3-days), and 7,000 yen (4-days) when purchasing in Japan. KINTETSU RAIL PASS offers unlimited rides on all Kintetsu Railway lines for five days. Fares to Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Mie (Ise-Shima), and Nagoya are for a bargain. Price: 3,700 yen for adults when purchased outside Japan / 3,900 yen for adults purchased in Japan. Getting Around in Osaka / 關西的交通Transportation Cards/Useful Tickets 交通卡/划算的票券 In the Kansai (Osaka) area, ICOCA or PiTaPa are available IC cards similar to Suica / PASMO.Is this (train/bus) going to ...?...(the number of) tickets, please.How much time will it take to get to ...?I don’t know. / I don’t understand.Take me to hospital!Would you give us the menu?Do you have any recommended dishes?May I have the check, please.You can cash traveler’s checks at many banks. Traveler’s checks can also be used at hotels, ryokan Japanese style hotels, and shops in big cities. Credit cards can be widely used in urban areas, but sometimes are not accepted at shops in rural areas....ni Ikimasuka? ...mai kudasaimade nan-fun kakarimasuka?Wakarimasen.Byouin ni tsurete itte!Menyu wo misete kudasaiOsusume wa arimasuka?Okaikei OnegaishimasuJapan Wi-Fi auto-connectBy registering with this app, you can enjoy free Wi-Fi at major airport, stations, tourist spots, convenience stores, etc.FREESPOTRegistration with your email address is re-quired only the first time when you request access. Public telephones can be found almost every-where in Japan and most can be used to make domestic and international calls. Only 10 or 100 yen coins can be used but all telephones take pre-paid telephone cards – purchase in convenience stores for 500 or 1,000 yen. If you use a calling card when you make an inter-national call, it can reduce your calling rate.Japan Wi-Fi auto-connect Visit Our Facebook at www.facebook.com/att.JAPAN23Useful Japanese phrases旅行支票可在很多家銀行換錢。而且,大都市的飯店或旅館、商店,也可使用信用卡。雖然信用卡在城市裡可廣泛使用,但是在有些郊區的商店無法使用。Money Exchange 換匯Exchanging non-Japanese currency for yen can be carried out at international airports, and most major banks. At the airports, exchang-ing Japanese yen into foreign currency is also possible. At “World Currency Shop,” even af-ter banks close their doors, it is possible to exchange later in the day. 在機場或是主要都市的銀行可兌換日幣,在機場也可將日圓再兌換回外幣,在「World Currency Shop」即使超過銀行的營業時間也辦理兌換業務。ATMsYou can withdraw Japanese yen from ATMs of some banks with credit cards or cash cards which were issued outside Japan.有些銀行的提款機,可以用國外發行的信用卡或提款卡提領日幣。Japan Post Bankhttps://www.jp-bank.japanpost.jp/en/ias/en_ias_index.htmlSEVEN BANKhttps://www.sevenbank.co.jp/intlcard/index2.htmlAEON BANKhttps://www.aeonbank.co.jp/atm/en/TOURIST INFORMATION在日本國內的各個地方設置有公共電話,可使用國內、國際電話的服務。使用10日圓、100日圓的硬幣,或者是電話卡(在便利商店等販賣,有500日圓、或是1,000日圓)。若要撥打國際電話,也可以使用電話卡降低通話費。Brastel International Calling Service 博朗思特永恒智慧國際電話https://www.brastel.com/Pages/eng/home/只需下載這個app,即可在主要的機場、車站、旅遊景點、便利商店等享受免費的Wi-Fi服務。FREESPOT(免費熱點)只需在第一次使用時登錄電子信箱地址,登錄一次半年有效。 Welcome Suica、PASMO PASSPORT則持續販售中,但Welcome Suica的販售地點與購買數量有所限制。(2024年2月時的資訊)如果用東京旅遊車票的話,可在一天內無限制乘坐JR(東京23區內)及地下鐵、都營巴士,一張票1,600日圓。東京地鐵通票 可以利用東京地鐵及都營地鐵各條線路。成人24小時券800日圓,48小時券1,200日圓,72小時券1,500日圓。JR東京廣域周遊券(JR TOKYO Wide Pass)除了能在3天內不限次數搭乘關東地區的新幹線(東海道新幹線除外)、特快列車的指定座席之外,還把適用範圍擴大到越後湯澤站、GALA 湯澤站。價格為成人15,000日圓,兒童7,500日圓。在關西(大阪)地區有ICOCA和PiTaPa兩種IC卡扮演著跟Suica / PASMO同樣的角色。使用關西地區鐵路周遊券,可利用在自由區域內的JR普通列車(含快速列車)的普通車自由席隨意上下車。在日本購買時,成人價格為1日用2,800日圓,2日用4,800日圓,3日用5,800日圓,4日用7,000日圓。KINTETSU RAIL PASS 是能夠在5天內自由乘坐近鐵全線的周遊券。前往大阪、奈良、京都、三重(伊勢志摩)以及名古屋相當合算。在日本國外購買時,成人價格為3,700日圓;在日本購買時為3,900日圓。在街上 / 交通這是到…的車嗎?請給我(數量)張票到…需要多長時間呢?我不知道請帶我去醫院!在餐廳請給我們菜單這裡有什麼推薦菜色嗎?請結帳實用日語短句
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