75 min by Limited Express “Konotori” -Tamba City, Hyogo--Tambasasayama City, Hyogo--Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto-The Kansai area also reaches peak bloom from late March to early April every year. And while the ever-popular destinations in central Kyoto and Osaka are hard to pass up, we also recommend off-the-beaten-path towns and cafes for a leisurely day of enjoying Japanese cherry blossoms and history!“Hashidate” JR Kaibara Sta.JR Sasayamaguchi Sta. JR Kyoto Sta. 80 min by Limited Express “Kinosaki” or JR Fukuchiyama Sta. JR Osaka Sta. JR Osaka Sta. 60 min by Limited Express “Konotori” Nikaimachi stop 10 min by bus Please see here for more information! The chestnut sweets at Adachi Otoemon are sec-ond to none! Try them at the retro cafe space near Fukuchiyama Castle.Take a break from your stroll under the thatched roof of the patisserie “Nakajima-Taishodo Tamba Main Store,” located inside a renovated traditional Japanese house. Their Mont Blanc cake is a pure delight.At “Odagaki Mamedo,” try some tea and Japanese sweets made with black beans, the specialty of the Tamba area. Immerse your-self in the building’s historic atmosphere.Enjoy a relaxing walk in the city where the atmosphere of the former castle town endures. It is home to the Kaibara Hachiman Shrine with its 1,000-year-old his-tory, the majestic Kaibara Jinya Ruins, and modern architecture of the contemporary era. Flowing near Kaibara Station is the Kaibara River, along which you’ll encounter stunning rows of sakura trees stretch-ing as far as the eye can see.Hop on a train at Kyoto Station to arrive at Fukuchiyama Station in as little as 80 minutes. Fukuchiyama is a convenient hub of the north Kansai area for traveling to Amanohashidate and Kinosaki Onsen. Just a 15-minute walk from the sta-tion is Fukuchiyama Castle, the only spot in Kyoto where the main castle tower remains intact. It is also a popular sakura viewing spot that bustles with visitors.從京都站搭電車最快80分鐘即可抵達福知山站,這裡也是便於前往天橋立和城崎溫泉的北近畿地區據點。距離車站步行約15分鐘之處,有京都府唯一保留了天守閣的福知山城,此處也是個熱鬧的賞櫻名勝。Tambasasayama City is located about an hour away from Osaka by train. Historically, it was once the castle town of Sasayama Castle, and to this day, it retains the town-scape of its bygone era. In the spring, roughly 1,000 cherry blossom trees bloom throughout the town around Sasayama Castle Park. 丹波篠山市從大阪搭電車約1小時可抵,此地擁有作為篠山城城下町的歷史,現今仍保留了往昔的街景。到了春天以篠山城公園為中心,街上約有一千棵櫻花盛開。30att-japan.net/한국어日本語LATEST KANSAI’S BEST SAKURA SPOTS 2024简体中文在福知山城附近的「足立音衛門」的栗子甜點美味絕倫!可以在復古的咖啡館空間內享用。散步的空檔可到茅草屋頂的古民宅改建而成的西點店「中島大祥堂 丹波本店」小憩,這裡的蒙布朗滋味絕佳!在「小田垣豆堂」可品嘗使用丹波地區的名產──黑豆製作的茶飲和日式甜點,歷史悠久的建築氛圍也與眾不同。 京都站(JR)→搭乘特快「KINOSAKI號」或「HASHIDATE號」80分鐘→福知山站(JR) 大阪站(JR)→搭乘特快「KONOTORI號」75分鐘→柏原站(JR) 大阪站(JR)→搭乘特快「KONOTORI號」60分鐘→篠山口站(JR)→搭乘公車10分鐘→於「二階町」下車網站有更多資訊喔!자세한 정보는 웹사이트로!Kaibara柏原(兵庫縣丹波市)柏原是個保留了城下町的風情,可悠閒享受漫步樂趣的街區。擁有千年歷史的柏原八幡宮、莊嚴的柏原藩陣屋遺址,以及近代的時尚建築等散居於此。柏原站附近有柏原川流經,放眼望去沿岸櫻花林道綿延,相當壯觀!Tamba Sasayama丹波篠山(兵庫縣丹波篠山市)Fukuchiyama福知山(京都府福知山市)關西地區往年也是在3月下旬~4月上旬迎來櫻花花期。超熱門的京都與大阪中心區雖然也很精采,不過這次我們要向大家介紹的是距離稍遠一些,可悠閒賞櫻、感受日本歷史的私房街區與推薦咖啡廳!English繁體中文LatestKansai’sBest Sakura Spots最新!2024關西地區推薦賞櫻景點
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