don’t miss this!When in Fukui’s “Dinosaur Kingdom,” 來到恐龍王國福井,一定要到這裡!Uncover the mysteries of fossil research in the New WingIn the center of the new building stands the “Dinosaur Tower,” a 13 m tall monument depicting five dinosaur species and one type of bird, all discovered in Fukui. Feel as though you’ve entered the world of dinosaurs in the special exhibition room, peer inside a glass storage space, or expe-rience part of the research in full swing! The experience of cleaning and excavating fossils are sure to be lasting memories of your trip.The museum shop onsite carries a wide variety of goods only available here, from dinosaur figures and stuffed animals to apparel items and sweets. The restaurant also has a full dinosaur-themed menu.From the world of dinosaurs to the science of the earth, study it all in the Main WingDelving into the history of life begins on the basement floor. Each level of the facility holds one of three zones from B1 to the 2nd floor. In the “World of Dinosaurs” zone, 50 reconstructed full-body dinosaur skeletons are on display, including fossil speci-mens and reconstructions of new dinosaur species excavated in Fukui. Standing near the center of the exhibition room is a moving Tyrannosaurus rex over seven meters long. Stand in front of it and wait for the moment when the fearsome beast looks you right in the eye! 9:00–17:00 (admission until 16:30) 2nd and 4th Wednesday (or the following day when it falls on a national holiday), Dec. 31–Jan. 1, exhibition renewal period Please refer to official website *Advanced reservations required 5Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur MuseumFukui is known as the “Dinosaur Kingdom” due to the wealth of prehistoric fossils found here. The Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum in Katsuyama City is the heart of this world, a facility specializing in paleontology and geology focused on dinosaurs. The exterior design stands out for its two egg-shaped domes. It reopened in July 2023 after extensive renovations. 越前鐵道福井站→電車約60分鐘→勝山站→巴士約15分鐘 17:00(最後入館時間16:30) 12/31~1/1、佈卸展期間 請參閱官網 ※需事先預約 9:00~ 2、4個週三(逢國定假日則次日休)、A Traveler’s Best Friend! “Have Fun in Fukui” 1 Week Free PassChoose any three attractions you like, including the Dinosaur Museum, and get in at great value. For a list of participating facilities refer to the website.旅遊良伴!「福井樂享周遊券」1 Week Free Pass可划算周遊福井縣內觀光設施的周遊券,能從包含恐龍博物館在內的對象設施中任選3處。對象設施請見網站。福井縣立恐龍博物館因為在此處挖掘出許多恐龍化石,福井縣因而享有「恐龍王國」的稱號。其中最具代表性的設施,是位於勝山市的「福井縣立恐龍博物館」。這是以恐龍為主的地質古生物學專業博物館,於2023年7月全面翻新後開幕,雙蛋型的圓頂外觀是其特色。本館——學習恐龍世界與地球科學往地下1樓移動,探索生命歷史的冒險由此啟程!從地下1樓到地上2樓,按樓層區分為3個展區。在「恐龍的世界」區中,展出多達50具恐龍的全身骨骼,可看到在福井挖掘出的新種恐龍化石標本與復原骨骼。而矗立在展覽室幾乎正中央處的,則是超過7公尺的活動型暴龍。站在暴龍的正面耐心等候,說不定還有機會和恐龍四目相對喔!新館——能一窺化石研究的幕後新館的中心豎立著高達13公尺的「恐龍之塔」,這是由在福井發現的5種恐龍和1種鳥類所組成的象徵紀念碑。新館除了彷彿進到恐龍世界般的特別展覽室,以及玻璃帷幕的透明收藏庫之外,竟然還可以體驗一部分研究過程喔!清洗化石和化石的挖掘體驗,必定會成為旅途中難忘的回憶。A full array of souvenirs too♪伴手禮也很豐富♪在館內的博物館商店內,陳列著恐龍模型、布偶、服飾、點心等各式各樣只有在此才買得到的周邊商品。餐廳內也有許多和恐龍相關的餐點。 Fukui Sta. (Echizen Railway) → 60 min by train → Katsuyama Sta. → 15 min by bus
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