FukuiPrefectureFrom the majestic natural setting along the Sea of Japan to historical architecture, traditional crafts, delicious cuisine, and Japanese sake... let’s look at what each region has to offer!諸如面朝日本海的宏偉自然景觀、歷史悠久的建築、傳統工藝、美食,以及日本酒等等,以下將按照區域分別介紹!Tojinbo and its surroundings hold features rarely found in the world. With hot springs and theme parks as well, there’s more than enough for the whole family to enjoy.全球上亦十分罕見的東尋坊及其周邊。有溫泉、主題樂園,一家大小可歡樂同遊。8 Open 365 days Adult 2,200 yen https://www.echizen-aquarium.com/ 8:30–17:00 (admission until 16:30) Open 365 days Adult 450 yen, Child 150 yenAwara/ SakaiHOKURIKU | FUKUI, ISHIKAWA, TOYAMAAwara OnsenThis hot spring resort celebrated its 140th anniversary in 2023. Various hot spring inns are scattered throughout the area, including one of the largest scale resorts in Hokuriku, the “Mimatsu,” offering 36 rooms equipped with private open-air baths. Near Awara-Yunomachi Station, dip a toe in the free foot bath “Ashiyu.” Enjoy mingling with the lo-cals over some yakitori, ramen, or oden at the adjacent food stall village, “Yukemuri Yokocho.”Echizen Matsushima AquariumPeople love walking on top of the glass, coral-reef tank and the “Penguin House,” where the adorable birds swim through an underwater tunnel as if soaring in the sky. Additionally, the Mizudako (giant Pacific octopus) Pavilion, centered around the world’s largest octopus, Mizudako, just opened on March 7 this year. A convenient place to stop by on a visit to Tojinbo just a 5-minute drive away. 成人2,200日圓TojinboA precious geological treasure with a roughly 1 km coastline of columnar joints. Marvel at the white crests of raging waves crashing over the cliffs. Board a tour boat to see up close the magnificent rockfaces and wild waters of the Sea of Japan.Maruoka CastleBuilt in 1576, this is one of the rare remaining castles with its original castle tower. Climb the steep stairs while holding onto a climbing rope to be rewarded with an astonishing view from the top of the tower! Around 400 Someiyoshino cherry trees grow on the castle grounds, making it a lively “hanami” spot in spring. 全年無休 成人450日圓、兒童150日圓And still much more! The Brilliance of HokurikuHokurikuHokurikuHokuriku蘆原溫泉於2023年迎來開湯140年的溫泉地,此處有多家溫泉旅館,包括北陸最大級別,共有36間附露天浴池客房的旅館「美松」等。蘆原湯之町站附近設有免費的足湯設施「蘆湯」,也可在隔壁的屋台攤販村「湯煙橫丁」享受烤雞串、拉麵、關東煮等美食,並與當地民眾交流。越前松島水族館漫步在珊瑚礁玻璃水槽上的區域,以及從水中隧道欣賞企鵝如騰飛天際般游泳身影的「企鵝館」十分熱門。此外,主打全球最大章魚「北太平洋巨型章魚」的北太平洋巨型章魚主題館於3/7開幕。從東尋坊開車前來只需5分鐘,推薦可一併造訪。 全年無休 福井縣蘆原、坂井東尋坊綿延約1公里的柱狀節理海岸,在地質學上是十分珍貴的地點。可從峭壁斷崖上欣賞日本海白浪襲來的景象,也可搭觀光船近距離欣賞壯麗的峭壁與波濤洶湧的日本海。丸岡城西元1576年建成,是保留了當時天守的珍貴城郭之一。抓緊攀登繩爬上斜度超陡的階梯登上天守閣,所見景色獨樹一格!園內種植了約400棵染井吉野櫻,春天是遊客如織的賞櫻勝地。 8:30~17:00(最後入場時間16:30) 北陸的燦爛光輝不僅止於此!
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