Went to AnimeJapan2019! About cosplayers.
AnimeJapan 2019
At AnimeJapan, people can attend with their cosplays and many enjoyed it. There also were many foreigners walking with their cosplayers on.
At the cosplay area, even more cosplayers gathered and a photo session was held. Many cosplayers copied of course the characters’ hair style and makeup but also the dress were completely close to the characters image!
They posed for us when we asked for a photo.
This year, cosplays of works on a game on smartphone “Fate/Grand Order” and “Shonen Jump” seems to be popular. However, some showed their originalities, wearing cosplays of anime characters that were popular more than 10 years ago and cosplays that were so true to the original.
We interviewed a foreign participant! A man in the twenties from the US came to Japan for the first time to visit AnimeJapan.
He seemed to be enjoying the events with a cosplay of a character in “BLEACH,” a popular manga/anime from “Shonen Jump.”
Another person, a man who we met at “Cosplayer’s World,” wore a dress of the hero in “Wanpanman,” a popular manga/anime. He looks so good in his cosplay that it was hard to believe that it was his first time wearing a cosplay. He had also copied all the facial expressions and gestures.
We also interviewed Japanese cosplayers and he said that this armor dress from “Fate/Grand Order” took half a year to make. He is so passionate in cosplays.
att.JAPAN also offers att.ANIME, which specializes anime and manga.
Many people at AnimeJapan took them in hands too!
Even a TV program of NIPPON TV, “news zero,” reported that!
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